Sunday, May 20, 2007

Required blog Post

I was reading through the reguired blogs and came across a blog on the John Battelle's Search Blog that seemed interesting. The article had a e-mail sent from a former Youtube star. They were talking about how YouTube had become this big corportation and how they have lost touch with the people that matter, the people who watch the videos on the website. they talk about how when youtube approched their website about shutting down their personal domain and running everything through YouTube's site. The thing that really bothered this person is that YouTueb knew NOTHING about their website and what what tehy have on it. YouTube asked if they had heard of podcasting, meanwhile this website has two of the most successful video podcasts.
I was interested in this article because it shows what can happen to anyone or anything when it gets big publicity. I've known people to become so self absorbed when they are thrown in the spot light and this seems very similar. YouTube has become a HUGE success with their online videos. Youtube it seems, has stopped caring so much about the people who helped bring them to the successful level they have reached which really lowers my respect for the website and the people who run it.

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