Friday, April 27, 2007

Wikipedia Article Update

I have updated the Wikipedia article for Watchung Hills Regional High School. I added a paragraph to the top portion of the article talking about how the school participates in Project Graduation. Project graduation is a school sponsored alcohol free party that takes place right after graduation.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I need to really update this blog alot since I seemed to have missed 2 blogs for the past two weeks. I'm falling alittle bit behind with all my work, but today is my catch up on everything day. First I updated a wikipedia article. I updated the website for my home town Warren, NJ. I edited the section for the type of government in Warren. The original Wikipedia article said that meetings were held three times a month, but I found on the Town Website that town commitee meetings are held on every Thursday of the month. I will be updating two more wikipedia articles by the end of today, but for now that is all i have.

As for the title of this post, Stiuqzela, My BUAD477 class has decided to do an experiment to see how often different search engines do a scroll of the internet. We'll see how many classmembers blogs appear on the different search engines. We are also supposed to link the phrase Stiuqzela to the Green Bay Packers website, to see if a completely search term will bring up a completely unrelated article. I know I'm getting a late start but hopefully my blog will make it high up on the list. Wish me luck on the Stiuqzela experiment.